
WAIS Diving Coach - Expressions of Interest Now Open

Published Fri 10 Jul 2020

Diving Australia and WAIS require an excellent diving coach to lead the WAIS Diving Program.

The WAIS Diving Program is world renowned and is responsible for developing a significant number of world class Australian athletes. As a development program, it is primarily focused on athletes 13 to18 years of age, and preparing them for senior national teams, and possibly transferring to a DA National Program.

The program is currently well serviced with excellent sports science sports medicine support via WAIS, and also receives excellent support from Diving Western Australia who run underpinning programs and will support this role.

This will be a DA employed role, but working in a secondment arrangement to WAIS, such that day to day operations will be managed by WAIS program management staff.

DA is indebted to the WAIS for its excellent support, and in addition, Diving WA is also an excellent partner and this position will work closely with DA HP staff as well as WAIS and DWA staff.

Files for download
EOI and JD - WAIS Diving Coach