
Three Divers Selected to Lifeline Community Custodians Program

Published Thu 11 Apr 2019

Diving Australia is exceptionally pleased to announce that three Diving Athletes have been selected to be a part of the newly formed Lifeline Community Custodians Program.

Anabelle Smith, Declan Stacey, and Laura Hingston along with eighteen athletes from several other sports will act as members in the joint AIS and Lifeline Australia program.

The Lifeline Community Custodians will serve as mental health advocates while building personal skills that will provide opportunities both within and outside the pool.

Victorian Laura Hingston says the program will positively impact both the sporting and broader Australian community.

“As a group, I am excited to see what a difference we can make in raising awareness for mental health within our communities,” Laura said.

“Mental health does not discriminate. I am proud to be a Community Custodian for such an important cause.

Diving Australia CEO David Bell said, “this is a fantastic initiative and DA is proud to have three wonderful ambassadors for our sport involved. We wish them all the best in this endeavor and will support them, and this program, wherever possible”

For more information on the program visit Sport Australia here.
