
Sixteen athletes set to help drive LGBTIQ+ inclusion in Australian sport

Published Sun 19 Feb 2023

Coinciding with the commencement of Sydney WorldPride 2023, 16 athletes have today made a commitment to help make sport a more inclusive place after being appointed as the new AIS Thrive with Pride ambassadors.  

Now in its second year, the program will see rainbow athletes and allies drive LGBTIQ+ inclusion initiatives within their sporting communities over the next six months.  

Olympic gold medalist Matthew Mitcham is one of 16 athletes selected into the program and is passionate about creating safe sporting environments for all ages. 

"I'm coming into the Thrive with Pride program this year with a whole lot more experience and confidence, which I feel is an effective formula to getting more done out in the community," Mitcham said.

"Through the Thrive with Pride program I'm hoping to help make all sports more inclusive for everyone, regardless of race, age, ability, and especially gender or sexuality.

"Homophobia and particularly transphobia definitely exist in sport, and I think most people agree that that’s not on. But without education from initiatives like Pride in Sport and Thrive with Pride, it’s hard to know how to transition from tolerance to acceptance to real inclusion.

"Diversity and Inclusion is my full-time job, not just for sports but for businesses and other non-sporting organisations, as well. So please reach out to me if you’re interested in finding out more," he said.

AIS Acting Director Matti Clements congratulated each of the new ambassadors and said the appointment has come at a momentous time.  

“We know how powerful the athletes voice is so to have sixteen Australian athletes helping to educate and drive such important initiatives and conversations is really exciting.” 

“There’s also a huge amount of momentum at the moment with close to 20 sporting events being held during the Sydney WorldPride 2023 festival, all aimed at promoting visibility and inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people in sport, which is what our program is all about.” 

The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has once again engaged the expertise of Pride in Sport and Proud 2 Play who will work alongside the athletes to ensure they feel equipped and empowered to be role models in this space. 

More information about the program can be found here.  

2023 AIS Thrive with Pride ambassadors: 

  • Alyssa West, Water polo Australia, South Australian Sport Institute
  • Amelia Catt, Sailing, West Australian Institute of Sport
  • Charlotte McShane, Triathlon, NSW Institute of Sport
  • Greta Hayes, Hockey, NSW Institute of Sport
  • Heath Thorpe, Gymnastics, NSW Institute of Sport
  • Kalinda Robinson, Cycling, South Australian Sport Institute
  • Katerina Paul, Snow, Victorian Institute of Sport
  • Kaylia Stanton, Netball, Victorian Institute of Sport
  • Maria Strong, Athletics, Victorian Institute of Sport
  • Matthew Mitcham, Diving, NSW Institute of Sport
  • Natalya Diehm, BMX, Queensland Academy of Sport
  • Nikki Ayers, Rowing, ACT Academy of Sport
  • Poppy Starr Olsen, Skateboarding, NSW Institute of Sport
  • Rowie Webster, Water polo, Victorian Institute of Sport
  • Ruby Bakewell-Doran, Netball, Queensland Academy of Sport
  • Serena Bonnell, Bowls, Queensland Academy of Sport 
