
Sit Down With - AnnaRose Keating

Published Fri 06 Jul 2018

Victorian Platform Specialist AnnaRose Keating has had a whirlwind year that included a podium finish at the Calgary FINA Diving Grand Prix and a strong showing at the Commonwealth Games alongside synchro partner Brittany O’Brien. Now in the final stages of preparations before the World Junior Championships later this month, Keating sat down to talk about diving during school lunches, competing in front of a home crowd and the challenges that divers face working with a new synchro partner.


How did you first get into diving?

Keating – Well, I was doing gymnastics and swimming all through my childhood and when I went to high school in 2012, my school offered lessons during lunch time so I just went in and gave it a shot and have been doing it ever since.


Since that time, what has been your fondest memory in the sport?

Keating – The Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast would definitely be the highlight so far, just because of the environment and the atmosphere with all the other sports being around and being a part of the Australian team. Everyone got along really well and made it such an enjoyable experience.


Speaking of the Commonwealth Games, what was that like standing on top of the 10m Platform in front of a home crowd on the Gold Coast?

Keating – It was pretty different from our usual competitions where usually we only have a couple people in the stands. So, having everyone there, from Australia especially, just lifted your energy and gave you a bit more adrenaline and more than anything else made it really exciting to compete.


Off the back of such a big event like the Commonwealth Games, what are your goals as you switch your focus to the World Junior Championships in Kiev?

Keating – I’m competing in 10m Platform and Platform Synchro with Nikita (Hains) which is new for both of us. So, for us synchro is just about getting a bit more experience on a world stage. In the individual event, I would hope for a high placing but more importantly just working on each of my dives.


You mentioned doing synchro with Nikita, who isn’t your regular partner, what challenges do you face with working alongside someone else?

Keating – We’ve tried it together once before at a synchro camp, but it’s really just making sure that the timing is the same or similar to what you normally do as an individual and organizing the arm swings between partners. Some people have different preference, but I think, now in Australia a lot of the girls do similar techniques and similar dives, so it makes working with a different partner a bit easier.


You are one of the youngest athletes on the National Squad, but one of the oldest on the team heading to Kiev, what is that transition like?

Keating – It is quite different being one of the oldest, I’m usually towards the younger side, but it will be really nice. I feel like I have a bit of experience now, so I feel like I will be able to help some of the younger divers who might be on their first trip. On my first proper international trip, which was also a Junior Worlds, I had Maddi (Keeney) and Lara (Tarvit) who were with me and they were the experienced divers, so I’m looking forward in a way, to taking on their role and bring some experience to the team.


Coach Andy Banks is relatively new to Diving Australia and more specifically Melbourne, what influence has he had since arriving?

Keating – It’s been really good, it’s been a fresh start, a bit different from my previous coach. He has really taken us back to basics and diving on all boards, so I have been doing a bit of springboard which has been nice. The atmosphere that he brings into training is really uplifting and makes it really enjoyable.


Finally do you have any advice for current divers or those interested in jumping into the sport?

Keating – Just make sure that you are enjoying what you’re doing because that makes it a lot easier to improve and you’ll want to keep going
