
Sam Fricker Carries Queen’s Baton

Published Sat 26 Mar 2022

Olympian Sam Fricker had the honour of carrying the Queen’s Baton last weekend as it made its way through Sydney on its tour of the Commonwealth.

Sam was joined by Australian sporting icons Dawn Fraser, Petria Thomas, and Ian Thorpe, and was welcomed to a function with the Governor General David Hurley at Admiralty House as part of the relay celebrations.

The Baton visited the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Ballarat, and Melbourne on its four-day Australian leg of a 294-day journey, before traveling to Belize in Central America.

The Baton, which was created in the United Kingdom’s West Midlands, contains a message from Her Majesty The Queen which will be read at the opening ceremony of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in July.

Sam Fricker said it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to carry the Baton.

“It was such an epic moment carrying the Queen’s Baton in Sydney with some legendary Australian athletes,” Fricker said.

“It was an absolutely incredible experience to be connected to the other 72 Commonwealth countries and territories through the relay.

“Another highlight on the day for me was meeting and chatting with the Governor-General as Patron-in-Chief of Commonwealth Games Australia.”

The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games will be held between July 28 – August 8, with Australian divers vying for selection at the 2022 Australian Open Championships to be held in Melbourne June 1-4.

Photo courtesy of Commonwealth Games Australia.
