

Published Thu 07 Jul 2022

Australian sport has taken an enormous step in its bid to become a world-leader in coach development ahead of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) today naming 31 coaches as  part of a flagship national apprenticeship program. 

Among the 31 developing coaches, three diving Australia coaches Ashleigh Meneses (WAIS), Lillian Foster (SASI) and Rebecca Stafford (VIS) will benefit from paid two-year coaching apprenticeships as part of the inaugural National  Generation 2032 Coach Program

The National Generation 2032 Coach Program is a  joint initiative between the AIS, National Institute Network (NIN) partners, and National Sporting Organisations (NSOs).

Ashleigh Meneses said: “This is an important initiative. I am most looking forward to engaging in learning labs with other Gen32 coaches, who will help challenge and expand my knowledge of coaching diving. 

“It will also allow me to learn  how I can implement different techniques and strategies from other sports into diving programs.  

“This program will accelerate my development as a coach by introducing new ways of thinking and learning through collaboration with my mentor, Tommy Michael, as well as additional diving coaches and other individuals involved within the Gen32 program,” she said.

AIS Acting Director Matti Clements said: “Quality coaching is the foundation for sport at all levels, so it’s wonderful  to see the Australian high performance sport system combining forces to develop the next generation of coaches  who will guide Australian athletes on the world stage for many years to come. 

“The aim is that coaches involved in this apprenticeship program will transition to become Australia’s coaching  leaders of the future, and we’d hope to see many of them coaching in Brisbane 2032 and beyond.” 

Australian Sports Commission CEO Kieren Perkins said the program is focused on enhancing the depth and  diversity within Australia’s high performance coaching ranks. 

“The future success of Australian athletes and sport relies heavily on identifying, developing and retaining our best  coaching talent so we can build sustainable success,” Perkins said. 

“We want Australia to be a world leader in coach  development and this is a big step in that direction. 

“The coaches in this inaugural program are immersed in high performance sporting environments to fast-track their  progress. They’ll have guidance from a senior mentor coach, plus they’ll receive formal professional development  and education through the AIS and participating NIN partners. It’s a national approach. 

“This program also aims to help increase coach diversity across multiple sports. The under-representation of women  in high performance coaching roles is common within international high performance sport, so it’s significant that 20  of the 31 places on this program are held by women coaches. Five part-time places on the program are reserved for  women coaches enabling them to work flexibly while continuing their professional development.” 

The AIS has embedded Coach Development staff within the NIN to oversee the program and facilitate the learning  journeys of individual coaches and the group as a collective. The AIS co-funds coach salaries, in collaboration with  NIN partners and NSOs, and also funds the professional development of the coaches, including six Learning Labs  across the two years.  

AIS Learning Labs focus on contemporary ways of delivering coaching to future generations of athletes through  enhanced use of innovation and technology, advanced interpersonal and leadership skills, and an increased  understanding of athlete development.
