

Published Fri 16 Jun 2023

Following the recent review into Diving Australia’s culture, our Board is committed to addressing the feedback we’ve received, including that we need to be more proactive and transparent in the way we deal with policy breaches and unacceptable behaviour.

In the interests of transparency, I want to advise you all that Diving Australia recently received a complaint about the behaviour of some of our members. As we take all complaints of this nature seriously, we immediately instigated our Conduct and Disciplinary complaints management process. This was led by our National Integrity Manager, Jodie Purves, with the support of our CEO, Alex Newton.

The finding of the investigation was that there had been a breach of Diving Australia’s policies and standards which has resulted in a sanctioning of those involved.

I hope you’re already aware that Diving Australia has adopted Sport Integrity Australia’s National Integrity Framework, because we believe in upholding the highest standards of integrity and behaviours for everyone involved in the sport of diving. If not, I encourage you to take a look at the framework in the link above and be familiar with the expectation of all members of the diving community in Australia.

In the meantime, if you have any concerns, at any stage, that any member is not actively demonstrating the standards of behaviour we should all expect, please feel free to contact either me or Alex directly.

Liz Jack

Chair – Diving Australia