
Diving Cultural Review – Progress Update

Published Mon 05 Jun 2023


In August 2022, the Diving Australia (DA) board engaged the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) to independently review its high-performance operations.

At the time, the CEO was departing the organisation after nine years and a new CEO was due to commence in late November 2022. In addition, the Chair was also stepping down from their role and an existing Board Member was taking their place. In this context, the Board felt it was an opportune time to review the culture of the HP Program and proactively consider how both the HP Program and DA could be improved. The AIS supported this approach.

The terms of the review were to identify any systemic cultural issues related to the DA HP Program that need to be addressed by DA, and to make a series of prioritised recommendations for actions that would improve the culture of the DA HP Program.

To provide the necessary independence and transparency, the AIS engaged experienced panel members (Ms Moya Dodd and Ms Nicki Bowman) to conduct the review.

And to ensure the review provided the best possible information and recommendations to DA, the Board expanded the Review Panel’s remit to consider the broader organisation, not just high performance.

The Review Report was delivered to DA on 23 November 2022.


From a wide range of individuals including high performance, pathway and former athletes; coaches and former coaches; judges; parents and family members; and others in administration and governance in the sport of diving across Australia, the Independent Panel:

  • conducted individual interviews with 26 participants;
  • ran an online focus group attended by six participants; and
  • conducted an online survey answered by 90 participants.

In addition to the interviews and survey results, the Independent Panel also confidentially reviewed other material provided by DA and the AIS, including an anonymised annual Wellbeing Health Check, DA’s Community Survey on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and DA’s Periodic Health Evaluation data.


The review highlighted areas of strength and areas for further development in the DA HP Program and recommendations to help DA progress towards an optimal high performance culture.

At the strategic level, recommendations included reassessing the meaning of success, and reconsidering the values that DA manifests in the pursuit of success, providing DA with the ideal opportunity to articulate the type of culture it seeks to have – and to implement this across high performance and the wider organisation.

It was also recommended that DA reconsider and review its fundamental purpose, vision and values, and update its plans (including its HP plan and strategic plan) accordingly.

At the tactical level, the report recommends a range of immediate actions for the sport to consider to demonstrate that feedback from review participants has been heard and understood. These include:

  • refreshing processes for DA staff to interact to foster collaboration, improve information flow, and ensure all relevant expertise is at the table when decisions are made;
  • implementing improved HR practices such as holistic performance reviews, exit interviews for departing staff and athletes, and ensuring that the diving community is aware of grievance processes;
  • examining the pathways with a view to bridging the gap between elite diving and pathways;
  • refreshing and enhancing the athlete mentoring program;
  • reviewing the processes used to provide feedback, and/or inform athletes that they are no longer in the HP Program, so that they are clear and consistent, and work on a ‘no surprises’ basis;
  • providing coaches with broader training in leadership, mental health, child protection, handling female performance and body image issues, including uniform policies; and continuing with initiatives to advance women in coaching;
  • creating mechanisms to give the Board and CEO a ‘line of sight’ to the culture; and
  • reviewing athlete uniform policies.

Implementation of recommendations

The DA Board has reviewed the report, accepted all recommendations and formed a Culture Review Working Group to provide oversight of and accountability for their adoption.

The committee comprises the DA Chair, Liz Jack; DA CEO, Alex Newton; AIS Leadership and Professionalism Manager, Richard Redman; DA National Integrity Manager, Jodie Purves; DA National Manager Athlete Wellbeing & Engagement, Teri Crilly; Independent Board Member and former athlete, Olivia Wright; and State representative David Hunsdale (Vic). The Working Group is meeting monthly to review progress against each of the recommendation, and consider proposed approaches to culture-related actions.

Significant progress has been made against the tactical recommendations, with the Working Group now focusing on the strategic recommendations.

“The DA Board and our working group are committed to making the identified changes to build a more athlete-focused, open culture,” said DA Board and Culture Working Group Chair, Liz Jack.

“Some changes will be easy and we’re already putting them in place,” she said, “but effecting real culture change is hard – and it takes time; this is a long-term project.

“It also takes a commitment from everyone, and the Board is looking for input and support from each of our members – from athletes, coaches and support staff, to officials, volunteers and families.

“Without that involvement, we won’t achieve the change we’re seeking,” she said.

The Chair went on to say that the Working Group will provide six-monthly updates on progress to the DA community and, as the work progresses, will be seeking input and feedback from members.

“While there is much about our current culture, operations and results that are functioning very well, we now have an opportunity to work together to build an even stronger, more athlete-focused culture of which we can all be proud.”