
Diving Australia welcomes Liz Jack to the Board

Published Tue 12 Nov 2019

At the recent Diving Australia Annual General Meeting, DA welcomed its first new director in a number of years. DA has been fortunate to have excellent Board stability for the last few years, but we are very pleased to welcome Elizabeth (Liz) Jack to the Board.


Liz has forged an incredible career both in diving, and then in executive roles in her native Tasmania. An Australian Diving Olympian (1976), Liz then spent many years coaching in Canada (including assisting Sylvie Bernier to an Olympic Gold Medal), before returning to Australia to be the Tasmanian Institute of Sport's second Director, and later the Diving Competition Manager for the Sydney Olympic Games. She was the Director of the Tasmanian Institute of Sport for a number of years as well as then being Director of Sport and Recreation Tasmania. She has held a number of senior executive roles since then and is currently the Executive Director of Libraries Tasmania.


DA is thrilled to have Liz join the Board.


Liz has taken the place of Rob Jamieson who stepped down from the Board after being involved with DA for nearly a decade and both DA and DV for nearly two decades. Rob was an exceptional contributor to our sport, and DA owes him a significant debt of gratitude and he has our sincere thanks. DA wishes Rob, Libby and the extended Jamieson family all the very best.