
Diving Australia Athletes Embrace Clean Up Australia Day

Published Mon 08 Mar 2021


Diving Australia was well represented at Clean Up Australia Day events last weekend.

The annual event which began in 1990 seeks to inspire and empower communities across the country to take part in efforts to protect and preserve our unique environment.

Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement/Child Safe Sport Manager Teri Crilly said the event gave National Squad divers an opportunity to connect with their local communities.

“Our athletes develop so many great skills through their training and competition,” Crilly said, “opportunities like Clean Up Australia Day give them the chance to reach out to the community and put those skills in action.

“If our athletes are passionate about a cause, or want to get involved in the community, we want to support that and make it happen. With the support of the AIS, we are able to facilitate opportunities that are meaningful to athletes and where they can have a positive impact in the community and make a difference.

“Any event that allows our athlete’s to give back is important, and to help clean up our country in the process is a win-win.”

At one such event yesterday held at Sydney Olympic Park, National Squad divers Sam Fricker and Declan Stacey slipped on their gloves and lent a hand.

Stacey said the event reminded him that a little effort can go a long way.

“Maintaining the environment is really important to me, I love living in Australia,” Stacey said, “we just want to ensure that it doesn’t change and it stays the same, and we can enjoy the great country that we live in.

“That’s why it’s really important that we all play our part, and that’s why I’m here stepping up as a role model being an athlete within society.

“It’s not just about one day, it’s an everyday thing that we have to do. But it’s a good place to start.”

For more information, and to get involved with Clean Up Australia events visit
