

Published Wed 15 Jun 2022

Diving Australia has been working closely with Sport Integrity Australia, and has today adopted the National Integrity Framework.

Integrity is a core value of Diving Australia and we are committed to ensuring the highest levels of integrity across our sport. We have worked with Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) to adopt the National Integrity Framework (NIF) and will continue to work closely with SIA to improve and refine our approach.

Diving Australia will shortly be adding educational resources and rolling out education plans to continue to improve our integrity arrangements.

To find out more about the National Integrity Framework, and its complementary policies, please click here

Diving Australia are currently recruiting, with the support of Sport Australia and SIA, a National Integrity and Complaints Manager role (to be shared with two other National Sporting Organisations). Until that appointment is finalised, Diving Australia CEO David Bell will be acting as National Integrity and Complaints Manager ( or 07 3823 1444)
