
DA Announcement - Now recruiting for National Coach, Melbourne position

Published Wed 29 Mar 2017

Diving Australia is pleased to announce that it intends to elevate Melbourne to Performance Pillar status.

This means that DA will be recruiting for a National Coach, Melbourne, based on an International search, to be part of DA’s National Coach Panel and to lead all aspects of High Performance diving based in Melbourne, working closely with Steve Foley, DA’s General Manager, High Performance and Pathways.


This enhancement to Victorian diving was made possible by Diving Victoria's support, the new Aquanation facility (which will be a strong part of a new enhanced program) and importantly, by the Victorian Institute of Sport's strong, and increased, commitment to diving, for which we are extremely grateful.


This is an exciting development for Victorian Diving and we are very much looking forward to working with DV and the VIS on an enhanced Melbourne HP diving set up. 


For more information on the position, and how to apply, please see the attached EOI and JD document.