
COVID-19 Update 23 March

Published Mon 23 Mar 2020


As no doubt you are all aware, the Prime Minister’s Announcement regarding the closure of indoor sporting facilities has meant that the main pools in each of our capital cities will be closed from today. We are currently making enquiries about regional and outdoor pools but expect that they will soon shut as well.

This is obviously a terribly sad situation for all athletes, coaches, volunteers and all other members of the Diving community. From those that were new to the sport and loving the thrill of learning a new skill or dive, all the way through to those aiming to compete at the Olympic Games. 

Speaking of the Olympic Games, the AOC have made an announcement today and I have attached that here for our community to read.

On behalf of the Board of Diving Australia, can I say that our best wishes are with you all. This is a very trying time and we are here to assist if we at all can.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at or 0413 310 114.


Kind regards,


David Bell

Chief Executive Officer

Diving Australia