
Brisbane Lockdown Update - Age

Published Mon 29 Mar 2021

As no doubt you have all seen, Brisbane will enter a 3 day Lockdown this evening. Whilst DA remains hopeful that this current outbreak will be resolved ahead of Age Nationals, we will monitor the situation over the next few days and provide updates whenever we can.

I will be liaising with your State Associations around border restrictions and the impact they will have on Age. I’m so sorry we seem to be back at this point again, just before an Age Champs. Please bear with us as we work on options etc.


With regard to World Cup Trials which are currently being held in Brisbane, we have this afternoon cancelled the remainder of the Trials. We will provide an additional update on the impact of that on World Cup as soon as we are able.

Thank you and apologies for the brevity of this email. I will come back to you as soon as I can.


In closing, for those of you in Brisbane and/or have been in Brisbane since 20 March, please follow all health directives around mask wearing and only levaing home for permitted purposes etc

Best regards,


David Bell