
Aussie athletes set to inspire school kids across the country

Published Fri 05 May 2023

Twelve high performance athletes from sports including netball, hockey, taekwondo and diving are ready to take their learnings from the field of play to the classroom after being appointed as  ambassadors for The Good Village Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Problem Solvers Program. 

Over the next eight months, the AIS athlete ambassadors, who include kayaker Yale Steinepreis,  Olympic rower Sarah Hawe and diver Olivia O’Rourke, will visit primary schools across the country to  help students deliver a project focused on health and wellbeing. 

Australian diver Olivia O'Rourke said she’s thrilled to give back to the next generation of leaders. 

"Having the opportunity to educate the next generation is a strong passion of mine," O'Rourke said.

"I believe in the importance of being a balanced athlete ensuring I prioritise my wellbeing, sporting goals and education equally.

"As an elite athlete we are challenged mentally to be resilient and think outside our comfort zone. Being a part of this program is a great opportunity to encourage the next generation to think outside the box, challenge themselves and become creative.

"Through my past experiences and lessons learnt, I am excited to share my strategies and techniques to strive for a common goal," she said.

Schools interested in applying can do so here: The Good Village AIS Problem Solvers Program |  Australian Institute of Sport

2023 ambassadors: Amy Sligar (Netball), Caitlin Bettenay (Beach Volleyball) Cameron Girdlestone  (Rowing), Edwina Bone (Hockey), Jake Bensted (Judo), Liam Twomey (Triathlon), Olivia O’Rourke  (Diving), Penny Squibb (Hockey), Sarah Hawe (Rowing), Shae Graham (Wheelchair Rugby), Stacy  Hymer (Taekwondo) and Yale Steinepreis (Paddle).
