
Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement Update

Published Thu 14 Oct 2021

All of us at Diving Australia would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement and Child Safe Sport Manager Teri Crilly on her recent pregnancy announcement.

Teri is a key member of our front office staff and a key touchpoint for many in our diving high performance pathway.

A desire to be closer to family means that Teri will be relocating to her home town of Perth in the coming months. We are pleased that she will continue her work with Diving Australia remotely.

Diving Australia CEO David Bell extends his congratulations to Teri and husband Josh.

“Teri is a central figure in our Diving Australia team and has facilitated the very best of support for our community,” Bell said.

“We wish her the very best during her pregnancy and travel home to be alongside to her close family in Perth.

“Diving Australia is committed to continued support of every single diver, coach, and staff member in our programs.”

Teri will be working reduced hours whilst she travels across Australia, before returning full time in the near future.
