
AIS Infrastructure Grant Program Announcement

Published Fri 11 Mar 2022

Australian divers will receive a boost thanks to the support from the Australian Government and the Australian Institute of Sport Small National Sporting Organisation Grant program as they head into the next Olympic cycle.

As one of 11 National Sporting Organisations to receive a share of $1.15m, Diving Australia will use the grant to fund major infrastructure projects including the installation of a state-of-the-art dryland air bag for soft training landings, funding of essential training equipment and high-tech analysis tools.

Infrastructure has been a key to the success of Diving Australia with world class dryland facilities, high quality aquatic training environment, and modern video analysis systems.

Diving Australia’s success has been highlighted with medal winning performances at each of the last six Olympic Games.

Diving Australia General Manager, High Performance and Pathways Steve Foley said the grant will make a significant impact to Australian divers in their preparation for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

“Equipment and infrastructure have been key elements to the ongoing success of our Australian divers at major international competitions including the Olympic and Commonwealth Games,” Foley said.

“This latest support, of which we are extremely grateful, from the Australian Institute of Sport through the AIS Small NSO Infrastructure grant will aim to continue this success by directly impacting our athletes.”

“The grant will support fundamental Diving Australia projects focused on athlete health management, skill acquisition, progression, and recovery to ensure world class performances.”

For more information on the Small NSO Infrastructure Grant program visit
