

Published Tue 06 Jun 2023

For the first time this year, as a development opportunity, we have determined that the winner of Age Nationals gains entry for Elite juniors in the event only they became Age Champion.

In making this decision and given the qualification standards needed to compete at Elite Juniors, this opportunity was only afforded to the athlete for the event in which they became Age Champion, and not any other event at the Championships.

If any athlete wants to submit a special consideration, to be considered for other individual events, this will only be considered under the normal ‘special consideration’ criteria, and not because of attending the Championships as an Age Champion in another event.

The only concession is that athletes attending as an Age Champion, may enter the synchronised diving competition, with another qualified athlete so the divers can get added competition experience.

If you have any queries about the application of this policy, then please do get in touch.


Steve Foley

High Performance Director