
4 - Brittany O'Brien

Published Mon 01 Aug 2016

A whirlwind few days has seen Brittany O'Brien take her place in the diving section of the Australian Olympic Team.

Brittany went to sleep just last Saturday night, sad for he her close friend Brittany Broben, but knowing there was a chance that Rio 2016 organisers would allow her to take Broben's spot. 

She awoke to a phone call that, we think it is fair, to say drastically changed her Sunday morning lie in plans!

Still a Junior Athlete, O'Brien first made the DA National Squad last year, and has since been selected in Senior teams to compete at Malaysian and Puerto Rican Grands Prix where she has had good performances, just finishing outside the medals. 

Fun fact about Brittany: her family has moved to within a few hundred metres of her training venue to help with the development of her diving - and that new place has amazing views of Sydney!!

Rio will be her Olympic debut and thankfully, she is has been able to secure a flight to get there!
