
2021 Australian Elite Junior Championships - Changes

Published Tue 24 Aug 2021

Due to ongoing border restrictions and travel regulations Diving Australia has today announced changes to the 2021 Australian Elite Junior Championships format. It is now clear that an “in person” attended event cannot go ahead in Victoria in September, however, DA is currently finalising alternative options.


Those options will likely be a combination of State based events, qualifying to a small, in person or virtual event to be held later in the year. 


Diving Australia Chief Executive Officer David Bell said the decision to postpone the marquee event for junior divers has not come lightly and after several weeks of conversations with stakeholders.


“It has been a long time since our junior divers have competed on the national stage, and we know they are eager to get back to live, in-person competition,” Bell said. 


“Unfortunately, due to ongoing travel restrictions it is not feasible to gather in person for the scheduled Australian Elite Junior Championships in Melbourne. DA and State Associations are advanced in planning for an alternative but wanted to formally advise now that the event scheduled for 27 September will not be able to held in person. That said, we want to encourage all athletes and coaches that are able to continue preparations, to please do so, as we are confident that an alternative will be finalised and will be successful.


“It is still our goal to name Australian Elite Junior Champions in this calendar year, we will now set our sights on exploring every avenue available to make that happen.”


As to the impact on World Juniors, that is currently being assessed and information will be provided as soon as possible.
