
2020 ACAS Program - Grant Applications NOW OPEN!

Published Tue 09 Jun 2020


Diving Australia is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2020 ACAS (Athlete Committee Athlete Support) Program.


The ACAS Program provides grants to existing or retired high performance athletes to assist them in their endeavours away from the pool. That might be to defray the costs of study, or to assist in setting up a new business.


In 2020, and as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the economic hardship brought by it, the ACAS Program will be slightly different. For this year only, other members of the Diving community are eligible to apply on financial hardship grounds.


Athletes can find more information, and apply before close of applications on June 26th, by opening the attachment below. 


ACAS Program - Information & Applicaiton Form


Good luck to all applicants!