Safeguarding Children and Young People

Participation in sport should be safe for all. We are committed to ensuring that people in sport, including children, are treated with respect dignity and are protected from bullying, discrimination, harassment or abuse.

Diving Australia Child and Young Person Safe Commitment Statement

The Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy highlights the important legal and governance responsibilities in relation to child safety and member protection.

For more information on Safeguarding Children and Young People check out this fact sheet.

Click here for information to help 7-12 year old’s understand the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

Click here for information to help 13-17 year old’s understand the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

Click here to view the Children and Young People Safe Practices Booklet which has useful information to prevent harmful behaviour with children.

Chaperones as Champions for Children and Young People

Being a chaperone to children and young people at diving events and activities is an important and rewarding safeguarding role. Chaperones supplement the key roles of additional Diving Australia personnel such as coaches, team managers and medical support staff. Often chaperones act as a trusted contact for children or young people, who may come to chaperones with questions or concerns. For a full briefing on the roles and responsibilities of chaperones, please see the Chaperone Guidelines Document which will assist you in fulfilling this role adequately.

Diving Australia's Chaperone Policy gives diving organisations and participants are good guide of expectations around chaperones and their responsibilities.

Free Webinar Series on how to Safeguard Children and Young People 

Sport Integrity Australia's education team provides resources for all levels of athletes, their parents, teachers, coaches and support personnel. This includes webinars on specific topics to inform and educate sporting organisations, members, administrators and athletes.

All topics below are free, accessible online here, and delivered by a subject matter expert.

Previous Webinars

Photography, Videos and Electronic Communication with Children and Young People Webinar

Recognising Boundaries and Managing Behaviours of Children and Young People

Transporting and Travelling with Children and Young People

Understanding Grooming in Sport

What, Why and How Behind Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport

​Tackling Poor Behaviour in Sport Webinar

​This webinar was attended by sports administrators from local and state sporting clubs and associations. Presenters talked about the support provided by Sport Integrity Australia, for implementing the National Integrity Framework policies.