Career & Education

The Australian Institute of Sport Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement Career and Education Program offers a wide range of intitiatives, networks and services to support athletes to explore career options, career strengths and to help athletes navigate their educational decisions.

  • The Career Practitioner Referral Network (CPRN) enables Australia’s elite athletes access to a variety of professional career advice and guidance services.
  • Elite Sport Education Network where partnered Universities, TAFE’s and other education providers help to support elite athletes for the duration of their course study.

  • Deloitte Australia's Athlete Employment Program (Ignite) supports and develops the athletic and professional ambitions of Australian athletes and is delivered in affiliation with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).

  • The AIS Accelerate Program provides a unique experience for retired women athletes who are pursuing career options in the sport sector. The program, which is funded through the Australian Government's 23/24 Federal Budget, has a career and personal development focus and provides opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills and tools to navigate a professional career in sport. The program will be tailered to meet the needs of the successful group applicants, ensuring that learning opportunities are directed to have the greatest impact. The program will be delivered through a mixture of in-person residential workshops, online leanring and one-on-one career practitioner support.

Career Practitioner Referral Network Elite Sport Education Network
Ignite - Athlete Employment Program AIS Accelerate Program