
Contract Opportunity!

DA has a contract opportunity available! We are looking for a person or business to provide the services of Coaching Support and Administration.

COVID-19 Update - Events

Whilst I know each State Association has been keeping you up to date with State based information, I am conscious that it has been some time since I provided an update from Diving Australia. My apologies for that. DA, and I am sure I can speak for the entire diving community, is right behind Victoria in their efforts to contain the outbreak you face. We know it is incredibly challenging for Victorians and we wish you all the very best.

Mathew Helm moving to Melbourne

Diving Australia has today announced that WAIS Head Coach Mathew Helm, will relocate to Melbourne to take up the role of Acting National Coach, Melbourne.

ASADA becoming Sport Integrity Australia

With ASADA soon to become known as Sport Integrity Australia, our Anti-Doping Policy needs a few tweaks. The attached is a start and we envisage a new policy in coming weeks.

Head Diving Coach /Business Owner - R.A.P.S Diving Club

R.A.P.S. Diving Club (RAPS) is currently seeking a person and/or couple who are as passionate about diving as well are to help grow the club to the next level. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with passion, a love of the sport and a real dedication to see each and every person in our club excel to their desired level.

Membership 2020/21

Our State Associations have done a power of work in settling budgets for the coming year, and further, negotiating with a myriad of stakeholders to do that. The State CEO’s have my sincere thanks for their wonderful efforts.

2020 ACAS Program - Grant Applications NOW OPEN!

Diving Australia is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2020 ACAS (Athlete Committee Athlete Support) Program. The ACAS Program provides grants to existing or retired high performance athletes to assist them in their endeavours away from the pool. That might be to defray the costs of study, or to assist in setting up a new business.


It has been a little while since we have updated you all and I hope you will forgive me for that. I (and the Board) have been keeping in regular touch with David Bell and he has been working collaboratively with the State Association CEO’s on Return to Play Guidelines for diving. The Board has approved these Guidelines and as mentioned below, they are being used to try to get pools opened around Australia for diving.

COVID-19 UPDATE 24 April

I wanted to give you all an update on a few things, and of course, let you know again that you can always get in touch with me to discuss any issue.

DA Statement

With the official announcement from the IOC President and the Prime Minister of Japan overnight, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have been “rescheduled to a date beyond 2020, but not later than (northern) summer 2021”. Diving Australia strongly supports this decision.

COVID-19 Update 23 March

As no doubt you are all aware, the Prime Minister’s Announcement regarding the closure of indoor sporting facilities has meant that the main pools in each of our capital cities will be closed from today. We are currently making enquiries about regional and outdoor pools, but expect that they will soon shut as well.

COVID-19 Update 18 March

Diving Australia has updated information regarding Age Championships and other items as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


An important message from DA Hello, On behalf of DA, I want to reassure all of our members that we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation and its possible impact.